2nd-9th August 2021
Last entry on Thursday 5th
Following the transformative events of the pandemic, the theme for 2021 was carried over from 2020.
Feeling more important than ever, it honoured so much; to regain balance in our own internal and external world, we needed to remember. We are all part of nature’s great tapestry, but somehow, along the way, many human beings have forgotten this, causing division and separation on a large scale.
Rather than setting new intentions and goals to move forward into the next decade, we invited the tribe to reflect and reconnect with and remember what we already have and who we truly are. To connect back to our intuition, our playfulness and senses by listening to the wisdom of the land, our bodies, and the lessons since time immemorial.
Technology undeniably has its uses, but it has also disempowered us by affecting our natural abilities to navigate through life, trust our inner compass, and be comfortable without screens to distract us from what we are feeling.
As children we are all born into the world fully present, believing in magic. We believe in fairy kingdoms, dragons and water beings and by our parents and guardians revisiting stories they tell us as children we helped them remember too. Such joy! We have always been storytellers and myth makers. By reimagining stories, practicing ceremony and ritual and celebrating the gifts from our ancestors we keep them alive.
By remembering to live in harmony without need for external approval or hierarchy we can access our true nature and live and breathe together as one.
In the words of one of our favourite writers, Robert McFarlane “will we be remembered as good ancestors?’